NoFloods Pro
FLOOD PROTECTION: from 50 to 1000 m or more
The Pro removable and inflatable flood barrier offers a superior solution for professionals and first responders. The flood barrier is flexible and cost-efficient for large-scale flood control from 50 to 1000 meters or more. Each section can be continuously extended using junctions to create an almost infinite length of barrier. The barriers can be configured with different terminals and junctions, depending on the location, distance, water height, duration, and intended use, etc.
Fighting water with water
The inflatable flood barrier replaces the heavy and inefficient sandbags and is at the same time, one of the most sustainable solutions on the market. Compared to sandbags, the CO2 emission can be reduced with as much as 99.5% when installing 1 km of barrier.
Tube Length
10-100 m
Recommended Lengths
50-1000 m
Filling Capacity
Up to 18 m3 per minute per tube end
Yes. Both ends of the tube.
Yes. You can prolong by the use of junctions.
Ability to Extend
Yes. By the use of junctions. Or terminals back to back.
MILLION € of assets protected
METERS of barriers deployed
Flood Protection during storm and storm surge.
Up to 2.7 km (1.6 miles) of inflatable flood barrier was deployed during several storms. Each time, the nearby city was successfully protected.
The entire 600 metre (1969ft) barrier could be filled with water. The filling time and monitoring was rapid, requiring a minimal workforce.
Complete confidence in one solution for flood protection.
Protecting the city, critical infrastructure and larger areas from floods during the storm surge. The local authority benefited from the emergency agencies effective deployment of the inflatable flood barrier during the storm to prevent the rising seawater to flood parts of the city on multiple occasions.
Effective removal of the Inflatable flood barrier.
Back to normal in a matter of hours - not days or weeks. A small team can remove the barriers in a short time with the use of a hydraulic winch.